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2024-2025 School Calendar

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend their classes every day. Absences for the following reasons are considered excused absences by the State of California and do not count towards determining student truancy as long as they are documented with the Abbott office:

  • Illness
  • Funeral services
  • Doctor/dentist/counseling appointments (requires Dr. note upon return)
  • Medically required quarantine
  • Immunization - limit of 5 days
  • Appearance in court
  • Observance of a religious holiday

Absences due to any other reason are considered unexcused by the SMFC School District and the State of California. Please see the District's Policy on Truancy for further information.

Please note that any time your student has early dismissal or late arrival to school due to a medical appointment, a doctor's note or appointment slip is required upon the students return in order for the absence to be excused.